We can guarantee that all your contributions will go to cover the cost of running the school for children with special educational needsin San Martin de Porres de Anta.
We can offer you complete time flexibility. It is up to you how you want to organize your time while you are here. Anyway, we appreciate any help you can provide!
There is no time limit on your stay, although volunteering for a longer period of time will allow you to have a greater impact on the lives of our children.
There are many amazing places to visit in and around Cusco.
Our children are wonderful!!
You will surely make new great friends.
If you have a nursing or medical qualification, you can give us another helping hand by checking that our children are healthy!
Some of our children come with problems related to their upbringing, if you have a qualification in psychology or psychotherapy, you can be the right person who can help them cope with them.
Request information
The Responsible People foundation is registered under the Peruvian Non-Profit Organization Act. With an annual contribution from Inca Trail Machu, we support our operating costs as well as a significant portion of project development costs.