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The Salkantay trek with Edmar and our chef was fantastic! great food, and help from Edmar was very good. We very much appreciated the patience you showed us during the trek, even while we were slow at times.
Ever ...
Daniel Freeman
A tough but breathtaking hike, with a true wonder of the world at the finish. Would highly recommend this tour to anyone interested in experiencing the history and culture of the Inka people and Machu Picchu. Herbert was a ...
Tour to Puno Cusco MachuPicchu Bolivia
Virgilio Garcia Martinez
Todo el viaje ha sido excelente, la atención de los guias, Ramiro, Edwin, Victoria, Efrain, Erick y Ana Cecilia, fue atenta desinteresada y con mucho afecto. Aclararon todas las dudas que se presentaron y resolvieron efectivamentetodas las ...
Kimmie Verbeek
Classic Inca Trail Mi amiga y yo hicimos el Classic Inca Trail con Inca Trail Machu. Sin dudas doy 5 estrellas para ese tour! Fue unos días muy especiales de mi vida! Nunca tuve una experiencia tan creíble. Tuvimos ...