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Todo el viaje ha sido excelente, la atención de los guias, Ramiro, Edwin, Victoria, Efrain, Erick y Ana Cecilia, fue atenta desinteresada y con mucho afecto. Aclararon todas las dudas que se presentaron y resolvieron efectivamentetodas las ...
Trek to Lares
United States
Mindy Nguyen
Day 1:
The car ride was comfortable and a good time to get to Lares the guides, porters and cook.
Im glad ...
Salkantay trek
John Downie
the trip to the Inca jungle with guides and Juan Carlos Guido was nice, the group had a fantastic click all of us arrived very well there was a very nice link. Juan Carlos and Guido gave us ...
Exciting Trek to Salkantay
Luke A.W. Green
this trip was brilliant! it really exceeded my expectations!
-the guide was fun, informative, attentive and relaxed. he is a great guide; I would recommend him to anyone.